short-stay accommodations project 短期住宿項目

we offer short-stay accommodations service . We understand the difficulties asylum seekers face when leaving Hong Kong, and our concern team receives prior notification to arrange accommodations as early as possible for further application procedures under appropriate circumstances. Our dormitory also allows visits from former Hong Kong councilors, who can provide support to asylum seekers and refugees staying there.
我們提供短期住宿服務。 我們理解尋求庇護者離港的困難,我們的關注團隊會收到事先通知,在適當情況下儘早安排住宿,以便進一步辦理申請手續。 我們的宿舍還允許前香港議員來訪,他們可以為留在那裡的尋求庇護者和難民提供支持。